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Monastery National School, Ardee, Co. Louth

News Archive - 3rd Class - Ms. Cusack

19th Jun 2024
The end of Third Class and what a year it has been!  We hope you have enjoyed...
31st May 2024
On May 31st both 2nd and 3rd classes got to demonstrate what they have learned in...
24th May 2024
On May 24th we travelled over the road to Navan Adventure Centre.  We participate...
23rd May 2024
We had great fun exploring the world of magnets.  We made sure not to go near...
1st May 2024
We have been getting back into the swing of things after the Easter break. ...
21st Mar 2024
Mr. Rogers kindly helped us to plant mangetout in our school polytunnel.  Very...
15th Mar 2024
Bhí seachtain iontach againn ar scoil le haghaidh seachtain na Gaeilge. ...
7th Mar 2024
What better way to celebrate World Book Day than by dressing up as some of favourite...
24th Jan 2024
It is always such a treat to spend time with our grandparents.  Although we...
19th Jan 2024
What a wonderful week we had!  We hope our mindful messages provide you with...