Access Keys:

Monastery National School, Ardee, Co. Louth

Eolas App

New DataBiz Eolas App

For many years now we have been using pupil management software from Irish Company Databiz Solutions called NS Admin. It is a brilliant product and assists us greatly in the management of our school. In recent years we also added Library Admin and Book Rental Scheme modules to our core software. And last year we added a School Payments online module to the software to make payments readily available to parents online.

Now we are delighted to announce that DataBiz have added a 
Parent Access Module or Eolas App. It allows parents and guardians to use the Databiz Solutions Website ( and / or the DataBiz Eolas Mobile App to;

  • Receive notifications from the school.
  • Update your own email addresses and mobile phone numbers.
  • View attendance details and inform the school of reasons for absences.
  • Submit medical declarations on the return of their child(ren) to school after an absence or school closure.
  • Grant or withhold permissions for their child(ren) or reply to other information requests from the
  • school where answers can be submitted in YES / NO format or as options from a drop-down list.
  • Make payments.
  • Book parent-teacher meetings.
  • View standardised test scores.
  • View end-of-year reports.

Click on this link to download a summary video of the Databiz Eolas App.

Also see below the documents on how to install and use to Datazbiz Eolas App.

What do I do now?

Download the Eolas App from Google Play Store (search for DataBiz Eolas) or Apple Store (search for DataBizEolas - note no space).

If you have previously registered for 

DataBiz will text you a 
verification code and you are ready to start using the Eolas App.

Now you can do everything from your smartphone!