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Monastery National School, Ardee, Co. Louth

News Archive

2022/2023 School Year

30th Nov 2022
Some beautiful artwork created by 6th class.
29th Nov 2022
We have been learning about the Fire Station in Aistear during the month of November! We...
29th Nov 2022
We have been learning about 'People Who Help Us' in Aistear and we were very lucky...
25th Nov 2022
Our first Feel Good Friday of 2022-23 took place on Friday 25th of November. Every...
17th Nov 2022
It's great to have Green schools back up and running this year. I'm delighted to...
16th Nov 2022
The 6th Class Challenge has finally begun! Mr McGee spoke to us about the programme...
16th Nov 2022
We have been using magnetic letters to make words during our literacy stations! One...
16th Nov 2022
Teacher has been so impressed with the patterns the boys have been able to spot and...
16th Nov 2022
Senior Infants were hard at work during the month of October in the Construction...
16th Nov 2022
All the children dressed up for Halloween. The children loved telling everyone who...