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Monastery National School, Ardee, Co. Louth

Covid-19 Advice for Parents

Covid Like Symptoms - click here to view the HSE website with advice for PARENTS of babies and children with symptoms.

In the event of a pupil testing positive for Covid 19 Monastery NS will no longer be contacted by HSE Public Health and a Public Health Risk Assessment (PHRA) will not be routinely undertaken to identify close contacts. In light of this change we would appreciate it if parents would inform us if your son tests positive. This information is strictly confidential.

It is vitally important that we maintain our high standards of health and hygiene in Monastery NS going forward. Please continue to monitor the health and well-being of your son coming into the autumn and winter months when colds and flus become common.

The documents below will help you.

We ask that any child displaying Covid like symptoms remains off school until you have sought the free advice of your GP / HSE and his symptoms have fully gone (48 hours).

The same applies if you or your son has been a close contact to a confirmed case or to an individual who is awaiting test results or has returned to Ireland from a country not currently on Ireland’s travel ‘Green List’.


Latest HPSC Covid Isolation Guidance for Adults and Children 

For the latest covid isolation information for symptomatic / asymptomatic adults and children please visit the HPSC website -


Covid Absences - Important Covid Information for Parents

Pupils' Covid and Non-Covid Absences

If your son is absent from school, whether Covid or Non-Covid related, you must complete and return the Return to Educational Facility Declaration Form (see below) to your son’s class teacher. This can be completed on our Eolas App on your mobile phone or downloaded, completed and emailed to our school office or downloaded, printed, completed and sent back with your son.

Chronic symptoms which might cause concern

If your son experiences chronic symptoms which might cause concern in light of Covid-19, such as a chronic cough caused by asthma, you should complete the Chronic Symptoms Declaration Form (see below) and return it to your son’s class teacher as soon as possible.  



Antigen Testing 

This is an update on plans to provide for the use of antigen testing in certain circumstances in children who are asymptomatic and part of a classroom pod, where there is a confirmed case of COVID-19.

The most important way to protect against any onward spread of infection is that if your child has any symptoms of COVID-19, including a new cough, shortness of breath, high temperature, sore throat, they should self-isolate at home and you should seek advice on Covid testing here:

If a parent/guardian has any Covid concerns about their child they should contact their GP, as per normal.

Check out the Department of Education letter to Parents regarding Antigen Testing below. 

Face Coverings - 3rd to 6th Class Pupils

The Department of Education and the Chief Medical Officer have directed parents and primary schools to begin the mandatory wearing of masks / face coverings for all pupils in 3rd to 6th classes. This directive will become mandatory in our school for these pupils from next Monday December 6th 2021 thereby allowing parents time to prepare for this new Covid control measure. We ask all our parents to continue to support our school and prevent the spread of Covid in our school community. Please read the letters from our Principal and the Chief Medical Officer, Doctor Tony Holohan and the face coverings poster below. 

10th Mar 2022
Dear Parents and Guardians, As we exit the Pandemic and find a way to live with...